doi boonde, sweet, dessert, bengali dessert, bengali cuisine

Doi Boonde | Golden Sweet Balls with Yoghurt

Those of you familiar with the food recipe I’m sharing today are probably having a good laugh at the translation of the name. And you should! I’ve been chuckling since I translated ‘Doi Boonde’ or ‘Dahi Boondi’ into ‘Golden Sweet Balls with Yoghurt’. I’m honestly at a loss for words here. The emotional connect with the delicious, crispy and sweet boonde are lost…

culinary tales from scotland, scotland cuisine, from the corner table, copyright image, scottish whisky, haggis

Culinary Delights of Scotland #2

Continuing from the gastronomic delight that the food trail had been, one would think I was done with my food adventures in Scotland. Tsk tsk… never underestimate the capacity of a food-loving traveller. The food trail experience was like the cover page and synopsis of a book – meant to capture your attention with such intensity that you end up…
