Dining alone, the best part of solo travel

Back in the days when I first started travelling solo, the thought of eating out alone gave me the jitters. There’s no point in denying that it was a trigger that set off severe anxiety. The most horrifying thoughts would run through my mind, and that blessing of a vivid imagination would seem unwanted then.

From falling flat on my face while heading to the table, being stared at by everyone, being shoved into a corner of the restaurant (you know that horrible table near the restroom door that no one likes?) – I imagined it all and experienced some of it too.

Some experience, a handful of suggestions later, I am better equipped with the entire process of dining solo and enjoy it… a lot! And so, when Heather Markel, a business/peak lifestyle coach sent out a message on a blogger forum, seeking inputs for an article on solo women travellers dining alone, I reached out to her and shared my two-bits that were woven in with inputs from bloggers around the world.

Read the article with HERE, published on Heather Begins some time ago.

And for some more personal tips, you can read my original post HERE: Tips for Eating Alone while Travelling Solo



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